Carol Greider, who along with two other Americans won the Nobel Prize in medicine, for discovering a AP Archive 1:49 9 years ago 100 Далее Скачать
Elizabeth Blackburn and Carol Greider interview on DNA (2000) Manufacturing Intellect 1:18:35 5 years ago 1 412 Далее Скачать
Interview with Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Ph.D., and Carol Greider, Ph.D. American Association for Cancer Research 10:50 14 years ago 5 297 Далее Скачать
2009 Nobel Laureate Carol Greider on Valuing High School Teachers Chemical & Engineering News 0:46 15 years ago 262 Далее Скачать
Interview with Carol Greider Nobel Prize ( Physiology or Medicine) Jorge Leonardo Obeso 4:02 9 years ago 50 Далее Скачать
Interview with Carol Greider on winning the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Johns Hopkins Medicine 2:35 15 years ago 20 757 Далее Скачать
Scientific Discovery with Carol Greider - Conversations with History University of California Television (UCTV) 57:08 10 years ago 5 079 Далее Скачать
FINITI™ Nobel Prize Discovery of Telomere & Telomerase by Dr Carol Greider English EmpowerU Team English 2:33 8 years ago 43 Далее Скачать
Carol Greider, Ph.D. - Discovering Telomerase and Winning the Nobel Prize USA Science & Engineering Festival 15:12 7 years ago 6 326 Далее Скачать
The 2009 Jeffrey M. Trent Lecture in Cancer Research - Carol Greider National Human Genome Research Institute 1:10:29 14 years ago 23 505 Далее Скачать
Elizabeth Blackburn and Carol Greider, Academy Class of 2000, Full Interview Academy of Achievement 1:17:24 8 years ago 92 Далее Скачать
Nobel Prize Winner Carol Greider Speaks to the Current TheARCurrent 3:16 9 years ago 227 Далее Скачать
Talking about Telomeres (Carol Greider) // Science in the Neighborhood Carnegie Science Embryology 1:15:14 6 years ago 778 Далее Скачать
Dr. Carol Greider - 2010 Provost's Lecture Johns Hopkins University 1:06:34 14 years ago 1 439 Далее Скачать